Capacitive 标签:


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抽奖的 TI 电容触摸板 capacitive touch boosterpack 晒晒 attach_img 德州仪器MCU WoodData 2021-6-26 0 16089 WoodData 2021-6-26 17:33
Enabling Capacitive Touch Sensing with MSP430 attachment 德州仪器MCU zhangmangui 2020-2-22 6 480 观海 2020-3-7 09:07
Hands-on: Capacitive Touch Sensing with MSP430 attach_img 德州仪器MCU zhangmangui 2020-2-22 7 567 guanjiaer 2020-3-7 09:11
Grace设置 德州仪器MCU 紫霜 2015-1-27 2 637 51xlf 2015-1-27 23:11
分享触摸按键Capacitive Touch BoosterPack的学习经验 attach_img 德州仪器MCU zoomone 2012-6-27 41 9364 cowboy2014 2015-4-30 10:47
如何在平面上快速建置電容式感測器原型 attach_img 电子技术交流论坛 ctufo 2010-9-14 1 1669 tyw 2010-9-14 09:42
on demand webinar-Simplify Your Capacitive Touch-Sensing Designs 英飞凌MCU论坛 Go_PSoC 2010-7-2 3 2916 Go_PSoC 2010-9-2 12:13
推荐一片不错的**-Designing reliable capacitive-touch interfaces attachment 英飞凌MCU论坛 Go_PSoC 2011-7-15 9 7820 meishizhaoshi 2011-12-16 16:07
MSP430 Capacitive Touch attachment 德州仪器MCU zhangmangui 2020-2-22 6 422 观海 2020-3-7 09:08
430BOOST-SENSE1 – Capacitive Touch BoosterPack for the LaunchPad attachment 德州仪器MCU zhangmangui 2020-2-22 6 461 八层楼 2020-3-7 09:04
MSP430 Low Cost PinOsc Capacitive Touch Keypad QuickStart using CCSv4.2.4 attachment 德州仪器MCU zhangmangui 2020-2-22 6 461 八层楼 2020-3-7 09:04